Honey legal had developed a market leading estate planning software platform designed to evaluate a client’s needs, recommend a package of Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney before enabling online purchase and ongoing document management. The brief was to help Honey Legal launch into the partnership market and develop business through Financial Advisers and a number of high profile affinity groups.
We evaluated all data around the platform use so far and mapped out a new user journey to improve user engagement and take up. To enable rapid onboarding of new partners, we designed and built a new front end content management and publishing platform, which allowed new partners to have their own branded front end up and running in a matter of hours, whilst being managed from a single core platform into the back end estate planning engine.
We evaluated the essential support communications to facilitate the B2B sales process, onboarding and then equipping new users to make sales on the platform. We produced copy, designs and produced a full business development toolkit covering:
From a standing start, we were able to support Honey to attract and onboard a number of significant partners over a short time period. This included the largest member club of some 8,000 Later Life Advisers, a large Over 50’s Life Co, plus some key financial adviser firms and pureplay digital lead generation companies.
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